Courtney Eggleton - Associate Teacher
Courtney Eggleton is an actor, producer, linguist, entertainer, and artist. She holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Auckland and has more than 20 years of experience acting on stage. She avidly attends workshops and is a proud member of the Auckland creative industry. After 7 years of training Acting From The Core with Kacie Stetson, she is thrilled to be sharing what she’s learned with fresh and emerging acting students. Courtney is a grounded, gentle, and giving coach with a real passion for helping people reach their potential.
As an actor, Courtney is represented by Gail Cowan Management and has appeared in New Zealand and International film and television; her most recent acting work is on Netflix’s Cowboy Bebop (2021). Courtney won Best Actress two years in a row at Auckland’s Short and Sweet Festival of Theatre.
Courtney is also an accomplished producer. She is a skilled organiser and has on many occasions both acted in and produced a number of successful stage shows including Precious Little (2018), MEZ (2018), on Whatipu (2019), and co-produced Everything Between Us (2020) with her acting partner Esther Louise. Solely as a producer, she has worked on theatre shows Balls (2017) and Heat (2019), as well as the short film, Waters Fall (2021) working together with Navi Collaborative.